Keeping Your Skin Hydrated the Right Way

The cooler weather has well and truly set in and as we’re rugging up to keep our skin warm, we need to make sure we’re not neglecting its nourishing needs.

Our Amazing Brand Partner- Kelp & Co. – share with us their top tips on how to create a natural Skin Care Routine and why it’s so important –


Our skin is our largest organ & we believe we should show it the care it deserves! Taking a holistic approach – incorporating a natural skincare routine & healthy habits could be your skin’s new BFF. Build your natural skincare routine with what works for you!

We are here to help you create your natural skincare routine! On average we have around 300 million skin cells. In order to put your best face forward, we have compiled our list of tips & tricks to make your 300 million look & feel a billion bucks!


Start by Creating a Regular Skin Care Routine

You can form your own natural skin care routine at home! Setting good habits & adopting a skincare routine helps achieve clean & beautiful skin. Regular cleansing supports rejuvenation & regeneration of skin cells. Keeping things consistent assists you to keep on top of your skin care. Just like we eat healthy foods to prevent illness we cleanse our skin to prevent blemishes.

We come into contact with pollutants in our day to day lives. MD Mag reported “a clear correlation between spikes in air pollution & increases in the number of people suffering from skin problems”. We need to be showing ourselves care every day to nourish our skin & cleanse from the toxins we come into contact with in our day to day lives. Cleansing regularly is vital to encourage youthful new skin.

Exfoliate Regularly

According to Discover Magazine, your skin sheds on average 50,000 cells every minute! The importance of exfoliation is crucial in buffing away the dead skin cells so skin can glow! Healthy skin requires exfoliation to unclog pores, improve overall tone & to soften skin texture.

In a post by it was found that exfoliating “Two to three times a week for normal & combination skin, & once a week for sensitive skin,” achieves the best results! The Kelp & Co. mask helps to exfoliate & unclog pores. Making it an essential part of your weekly skincare routine can encourage skin to repair & heal.

Eat a Balanced Diet

The importance of supplying ourselves with natural & nutritious fuel is pretty obvious. Another reason to eat your veg is to help your skin glow. American Academy of Dermatology released an article stating “Nutrient-rich whole foods like fruits and vegetables, whole grains, & healthy fats are good for your whole body, & that includes your skin,”

We need to scrutinise what we put in our body & the effect it has on our skin. Highly processed foods have been linked to causing breakouts in some people. The Daily Health found a link between “High glycemic index (GI) foods & acne.” As blood sugar levels spike it leads to changes in the production of oil- leading to clogged pores.

Another reason to keep the doughnut addiction under control is to achieve your skin goals. Know your skin, your body & what works for you. Reserve the junk for special occasions, your skin will thank you. Your diet is part of your natural skincare routine.

Stay Hydrated

Our skin is a sponge, it needs plenty of water! Keep it hydrated to fuel the regeneration of new skin cells. If your skin is not getting enough water it shows! Dehydration causes a flaky, dry complexion. UW Health reports dry skin is less radiant & is more prone to show signs of aging.

Hydrated skin leads to a more glowing complexion with a healthier & smoother appearance. In addition to this, hydrating topically can benefit skin appearance too. Using balms & natural moisturisers can assist the alleviation of dryness in specific areas.

Choose Plant-based Natural Skincare

Aloe is a natural ingredient that promotes skin hydration. It’s a great plant base for cosmetic formulas as it supports restoration & rejuvenation whilst being shown to increase the water content in the skin over time. We use aloe as the base for our mask as we fell in love with its healing & nourishing properties. It is an essential ingredient in your natural skincare routine! There are so many amazing properties of aloe! Its repairing, soothing, hydrating, anti-inflammatory- we could chat all day!

Know Your Hormones

If your hormonal balance is off it can lead to serious changes in your skin. Knowing what’s normal for you is important to ensure your skin is at its best. If you experience patterns of skin change in response to your cycle- pre-empt them! Use a face mask just before & unclog pores to bring blemishes to the surface quicker. Natural skincare products are good to alleviate the side effects of your bodies’ hormones.

Be patient! Immediately flawless skin isn’t always a reality. Genetics, hormones & age have a lot to answer for. Knowing your body & what good skin is for you is very important. Managing expectations & taking a proactive approach is sometimes a lot more beneficial to overall health & happiness. Take note of what’s working, what isn’t & your overall wellbeing. It will really help to make better-informed choices in the future.

Let us know what you do to put your best face forward!


Special thanks to Kelp & Co for writing this article.

Original Post Can be found here >




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